
Friday, July 1, 2011

Gay Marriage, or, Don't People Have Enough to Concentrate On in Their Own Lives Without Sticking Their Noses in Other Peoples Business

Yes, I've been reading a few articles today on this subject.  And once again, I thought to myself "why are so many people in an uproar over this?"  Ok, I understand that to people on certain spiritual paths, homosexuality is a giant no-no.  That's cool, if your code book says hey that's bad, and you've thought it out for yourself and you feel it's not right, then great.  But does that mean that's not right for someone else?  And why should it bother you?  Granted, if somebody put a gun in your face and told you that you had to be a homosexual when you aren't and it's not the right thing for you personally, then yeah, be pissed.  Otherwise, how is it hurting you that someone else is living their life by their own code, when they aren't forcing anyone else to do something they don't want to do?

Not to minimize the issue, but think of it this way.  I absolutely hate liver.  If someone came up to me and said, you have to eat that liver or die, I really might would consider the dying part.  Honestly, is it hurting that person that I refuse to eat liver?  Nope.  So what's the damn problem here? 

I would like for someone to give me one, just one, rational argument to how gay marriage is going to ruin everybody else's quality of life.  How it is going to completely damage the lives of us heterosexual folks.  I have yet to run across that arguement, and I'm still searching.  I guess because it doesn't exist.  If folks think that a homosexual person is going to hell because of that, well fine, because everybody has an opinion.  But here is a news flash for ya:  IT'S NOT YOUR CALL, EVEN IF THAT WERE TRUE.  If I'm not mistaken, it even says something like that in the code books.

Chill out folks, and worry about the important stuff.  Being happy, nurturing your children, supporting your spouse with love, helping our fellow brothers and sisters in our communities.  Basically, spend a little more time concerning yourself with yourself.  Trust me, you will be happier, and a lot less stressed.

That is all:)

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